"My intent is to capture the simplicity of form, the complexity of surface, and the energy of the interior that is contained by the thin membrane of the wood that defines it. In this regard, it would be fair to call me a wooden potter." — David Ellsworth


My name is Bob Watson. I am a woodworker working and living in London. I work under my freelance company Happenstance Workshop which I started with my business partner Jordan Watson back in 2013. 

Bob Bowls is a woodturning project that has blossomed in to an interest in making things from and working wood in all forms. Even now when I find myself more invested with other forms of timber and processes far from the lathe, turning wood remains a pure enjoyment for me and the lathe becomes a retreat; one I would happily take day and night.

The process of turning is a one-off within the field of woodwork. I think it comes down to everything being round, this distinguishes it immediately from the straight and square of the other work I do at Happenstance Workshop. Through this rotation I produce the curve and so follows the form, this is my number one preoccupation on the lathe. 

The lathe is the perfect tool as it’s so effective at what it does. It’s powered by a motor but by no means is it machine work, it’s hand tool work. The shape we chase in the timber is the reflection of the movement and position of our bodies. The cutting edge is in complete dependence of the body and the process of using the lathe requires the extension of body to hand to tool to wood.


I’m running out of space in my workshop so if you wanted to pop by the online shop I’ll happily sell you some of my work. I’d very much appreciate the purchase.. but also the space.


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